Breakthrough Strategies Group
Our Rewards in Life are Decided by the Problems We Solve for Others!

With a vibrant career that kicked off at Procter & Gamble and bloomed into an award-winning sales and leadership journey, Wende Gailema brings over 25 years of coaching prowess to the table. Wende isn't just any coach; she's a beacon for leaders aiming to elevate their game in the high-stakes arenas of healthcare, tech, entertainment, and more. Her mantra? Growth, clarity, and confidence for all.

Michale Hartte is a Clinically Trained Natural Nutritionist who leads a signature coaching program designed to help clients achieve significant weight loss and health improvements within 12 weeks. Michale and Rheece use a program called "Slim, Strong, and Sexy Forever," which employs a three-pillar process focusing on repairing metabolism, medically trained coaching, and a supportive community.

Meet Dennis Roman, a master of analysis of publicly traded companies and helping those businesses find opportunities to work with said public companies. His research methods are concrete and well-established. If you work in these spaces or want to begin to work in these spaces, you need to connect with him if publicly traded companies are your target markets.

Wayne Cordeiro, New Hope Oahu
We also helped put together a number of projects for pastors such as Wayne Cordeiro of New Hope Oahu, the largest church in Hawaii, as well as one of the largest churches in America. Wayne wanted to create a small group curriculum that aligned with his new book, "The Seven Rules of Success" and get more of his congregation connected into groups.

N. American Christian Churches
We partnered with NACC Churches to produce a series called Life on Mission, God's People finding God's Heart for the World. We loved working with pastors Tim Harlow, Dave Stone, Cal Jernigan, Ken Idleman, Brian Jobe and many others.

Celebration Church, Stovall Weem
This series by Stovall and Kerri Weems called "Rhythms Of Grace" was a follow-up to a major campaign that was done prior to this series. We produced this in their own home with three dozen of their senior staff. The format was life-giving, engaging, and introduced the new breakthrough format for producing curriculum. Both Stovall and Kerri helped to host the series and provided the model that we used to produce six other major curricula for Christine Caine's " Propel Series ."
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